
Rules of food storage

The modern man, accustomed to the amenities of everyday life as something to be taken for granted, such a formulation of the question may seem strange. But let’s imagine that you went to the cottage, on a picnic, after all, your refrigerator can simply malfunction and you have to somehow get over while it is being fixed. Well, if it is winter outside, but what if it is August? What can you do? Read https://telegram-store.com/catalog/product-category/channels/food?

Cooked meals and food can be stored in the basement. In rural areas, if there is no refrigerator or basement, food can be stored in a well, hanging it on a rope.

If there is ice, a large pot or cauldron can be used to store food and ready meals. Pieces of ice are wrapped in paper and placed tightly on the bottom. Put food on top, cover with paper and ice wrapped in paper again. The pot is covered with a blanket or some thick cloth and put in a cold place. If there is no ice, it can be replaced by moistened sand.

Keep cooked food separate from raw food. Try to prepare as much food as necessary for the family for one day. On the 2-3rd day it not only loses nutrition and taste, but it can go bad.

Sausages and lard can be stored in tiled ovens in the summer. Clean the oven thoroughly and put food wrapped in paper in it. With a draft (draft) in the oven, they will stay fresh for a long time.

Raw meat will keep longer if you wrap it in a clean cloth soaked in vinegar, or salt it well and put it in a dish of some kind and cover it with a lid. Put a saucer on the bottom to let the blood from the meat drain into it.

Bones and meat with bones do not keep long even in the refrigerator, so storing them outside the refrigerator is problematic.

Boiled meat is better preserved in a dry form, so the water in which it was boiled should be drained.

Roast meat is preserved for a long time if you pour fat on it. But make sure that there is no water left in the fat.

If you want to keep smoked meat for a long time, do not wash it.

In summer keep meat free of flies. Don’t put raw vegetables, dairy or boiled food nearby.

Opened canned food cans should be used up at once. If there is any left over, put it in a glass dish and cover it.

Also open canned vegetables only before you use them.

To keep ketow or casserole caviar longer, put it in a jar, pour vegetable oil on top and seal tightly.

Milk can not be kept in aluminum cookware. Boil it, pour it into a glass, enamel or clay pot.

Do not put a lid on the milk which has just boiled over. It will develop an unpleasant smell.

Boiled milk lasts longer if you add a little sugar.

You can keep milk fresher for longer if you put the glass container with it in a bowl or a wide pot of cold water and cover it with a clean, wet cloth so that its edges are submerged in water. Uniform evaporation of water from the napkin will maintain a low temperature in the dish with milk.

Sour cream, cottage cheese, and butter will keep well if placed in a dish in cold water. In summer, the water should be changed several times a day. Cottage cheese stored well without refrigeration, if you wrap it in a clean, damp white cloth and keep at a temperature not exceeding 10-15 ° C. The cloth should be rinsed in cold water once or twice a day.

To prevent the surface of the cheeses from drying out, wrap them in a damp cloth.

Flour and cereals are best stored in boxes or tin boxes. You can also in bags, but then at least once a month should be aired, stirring. Put some charcoal on top of the bag. Thanks to him you can avoid insects, damping and prevent rottenness.

Frozen food in the refrigerator. Vegetables on the freezer shelves. Stocks of meal for the winter.

Eggs for long-term storage are placed in boxes with the sharp end down and covered with shavings, sand or straw.

Eggs are not washed for such storage. You can also grease each egg or pour paraffin and put in a jar. Regardless of the method of storage they should be kept in a cool place.

Fresh vegetables are stored for a long time if you put them in a box and cover them with dry sand (so they do not touch each other).

Peeled vegetables can be stored in the refrigerator for 2-3 days. Avoid metal utensils when doing this. Boiled vegetables should also not be kept in metal containers.

Keep potatoes in a dark, cool place at or above 0° C. At lower temperatures, the starch quickly turns into sugar, making the potatoes sweet and tasteless. Light also contributes to the formation of potatoes harmful substance – solanine.

Onions and garlic in winter are better stored in wreaths and hung up so that they do not touch other objects.

Lettuce, radishes, green onions and other vegetables will be fresh for a few days if they are wrapped in a cloth moistened with a solution of vinegar and water.